already supports OSC control 🙂
(Im considering a quick Lemur template as a stop-gap solution for Salt)
Also is it just PD this works with or does it support modules written in C/C++?
sort of...
so actually this is all built on an API I built called 'Kontrol' , this is actually C++ , and handles all of the parameters sharing , which is what the UI/midi learn/presets is all about. basically a kind of object model, with remoting via OSC over UDP (though could be serial i suppose)
then what we are referring to Orac sits on top of that.
it basically comprised of a couple of PD externals which basically re-patch PD.
so.... if you wanted to do a similar thing in C++ you'd have a couple of choices
a) write the modules as PD externals , this is basically what the MI stuff is, PD externals , so PD is just a glue.
b) write a C++ host, that exposed parameters via the Kontrol API.
if you look closely at the OSC messages passed around, you will see that Kontrol supports the concept of multiple racks ... so you could have a UI that which controlled many 'racks' one of which was a PD , another was C++.
but really the focus was on PD , primarily because its a pretty creative platform, theres a lot of patches out there, so to be able to easily reuse these and have a common control framework was really my primary aim.
another platform that would be interesting to play with might be supercollider esp. given it already uses OSC between the sclang and scsynth
but first things first 🙂