Hello, I have a bela with a microphone connected to it. I want to use ideally python to create an audio spectrum analyser SPL meter, along with a dB(A) meter. My goal is to be able to display this to a phone screen ideally, in a very similar fashion to sound level apps such as DecibelX, where they have the spectrum analyser and the overall noise level displayed.
I am not too sure where to start, I've looked through documentation but some help would be greatly appreciated.
I guess the main things are implementing a python program that runs on Bela, and connecting Bela to a phone display with a GUI and using something like pyqtgraph to display a live spectrum analyser.
Could someone steer me in the right direction or if you have any forums that might be helpful.
I have had a thorough look through documentation but I am a bit jumbled on where I should begin.
Thank you in advance.