Just wondered whether Bela's use of the PRUs means it will not be compatible with the LEDScape driver (here: https://github.com/osresearch/LEDscape) which uses one or more of the PRUs to generate the bytestreams for neopixel/WS2811b RGB LED strips, and if so if anyone's aware of any alternatives.
I have several interactive festival installation art pieces that use both audio input/output and these LEDs that I currently run on Raspberry Pi 3's. I'd like to at least look at migrating them over to Bela to get latency down and get more reliable audio but not being able to drive Neopixels fast would be a deal-breaker for me.
Neopixels (ws2811b RGB LEDs)
We are using only one PRU, and this can be either PRU0 or PRU1 (programmable in software). Only if you are using the Bela multiplexer capelet, you are required to run Bela on PRU1.
You can see the pins used by Bela here and you can check if they conflict with the ones used for the neopixel.
That's helpful thanks. Doesn't look like there are any pin conflicts so I'm going to crack on and buy the hardware
Did you have a go at the end? I'd be interested to hear about your experiences with driving NeoPixels from a Bela if you did.
I'm afraid I didn't - I jumped ship and am now using Teensy/OctoWS2811/FastLED for most applications.
Fair do's. I'll put a post up here if I end up connecting them both...
Yes please do, be interested to know as I do have other projects that Bela might be a fit for.
Trying to resuscitate this old thread. Would something like this work in Bela? https://web.archive.org/web/20160206131159/http://blog.gitmi.com:80/interfacing-ws2812b-ws2811-rgb-leds-with-a-pic32mx-250f128b-micro-controller-spi-700-khz-update-3/
You mean using SPI to bitbang a wS2812-compatible signal? Yes, it does work. However, only on BelaMini there is a spare SPI to use for this purpose. On Bela (not Mini), you can only access a data line from an unused SPI bus if you either:
- disable audio input
- disable analog I/O
- Edited
@giuliomoro I was about to have a go at using SPI to control Neopixel LED's but I saw that you mentioned here that you might already have a good solution to drive them.
Anything that you can share before I try myself?
is it on Bela? You'll need a spare hw SPI bus... I think you are already using that in your application?
giuliomoro That's on Bela yes! And yes my question in the other post was the application of driving neopixel LED's!