-30dBu was likely measured at 94dB SPL and I take the 139dB dynamic range as meaning that it will not distort "significantly" until 139dB SPL (even though the SPL reference is missing there). So you could reasonably get a signal that is (139 - 94) = 45 dB larger than the sensitivity, so that gives you (- 30 + 45) = 15 dBu, or approximately 12V peak to peak (Vppp). That's about 20*log10(12/1.8) = 16 dB more than the specified 1.8Vpp input voltage. That means that even a (139 - 16) = 123 dB SPL signal hitting this microphone would be capable of producing dangerous (for Bela) voltage swings. That's still pretty loud, but I guess you can get that if you attach it to the soundboard of a piano or a drum head.
All of this before considering any potential spurious power-on voltage transient from the mic's preamp and/or the phantom power adapter or any failure thereof, and assuming I got the numbers right. A meagre consolation I guess, but Bela's from early 2021 onwards should all be protected against these issues.