• Audio
  • Audio in not working when plugged to the computer

Hi, I recently changed bela's on a device I made, and in the new bela, the audio in won't work when plugged into the computer. But, it will work when I plug it straight into the power via same usb port. Weird. Also, the gain seems much lower. Before I only used 10 dbs of gain and now I have to crank it. Any ideas?

The USB / nonUSB issue makes very little sense to me. In the IDE, set the project to run on boot to •none• and then set it back to the project in question. This way you'll make sure that the options set in the project are actually applied identically when the project runs on boot and you are comparing apples with apples. This process is needed every time you change the settings in the IDE to make sure they are applied at boot.

Regarding the low volume, can you try a different input cable (including different Bela audio input cable)? Sometimes a short on a TRS cable will result in phase cancellation and corresponding lower volume.