Hi, I'm planning on running multiple pots to the analogue ins of my bela mini. I have 4 10k pots currently but I'm thinking that if I connect all their wipers to 3.3v and gnd that will present a 2.5k resistance across the power terminals. Is this OK? What is the minimum sensible resistance ? I might want to add a switch too btw and I was going with a 10k current limiter resistor. Am I being too fussy? I don't want to blow the thing up or make it unstable. Thanks, P

there's about 100mA available on the 3.3V rail, so in principle you could go down to 33 ohm, although I wouldn't recommend that. 2.5k is surely fine. Even if you were to short 3.3V to ground, nothing would break: the board would just reboot.