SOLVED: just check "never delete console output" in the IDE settings. well done søren.


Is there any way to increase the number of rows the console can/will show in the Bela IDE?
It seems like it's limited to around 150 rows atm, and I would like to see just a bit more. Around 200..

I'm currently using cout to print to the console.


EDIT: in another note, I'm wondering if I even can use printing out for anything useful when I have to put the method in an auxiliary task? This seems necessary to avoid the render thread from clocking, but then I can't really count on the timing of when things are printed out - right?

You can print out from the render() function and from any other thread. Printing from render() requires to use rt_printf() to ensure real-time-safe operation. This actually prints to a circular buffer which is then copied to standard output by another thread. As a consequence of this:
- if you are printing lots of stuff with rt_ptintf under heavy CPU load, you may lose part of your output, if the circular buffer is full
- if you are mixing rt_printf and printf, the order in which they are printed to the console may not be the one you expect: the output of rt_printf will normally reach the standard output after the output of printf
- using std::cout << behaves similarly to printf(), however be aware that each of these has its own buffered output, so if you mix the two you may get an unexpected ordering of the output lines.