Had an idea for Gliss which I think would be amazing, combing two of the functions. It would be using the Keyboard within Notes mode, but then having a recorder like in Record mode to record a motif, which would then loop.

Not sure if this would be possible, as for me it would be an amazing addition. I like to use the keyboard for jamming, but to be able to record/loop little sections it would be perfect.


It is an Interesting feature, I added it to the possible features list a while back.

Any time a new feature request comes in, we have to think, about the usability implications. What parameters should be exposed to make the most of the added feature? Is there space for them in the menu system? Can it be fully backwards compatible? What changes are needed to the documentation? etc ...

This one is pretty complicated because of these reasons (beyond the non-trivial coding effort required) so it's unlikely that you'll see it released from us in any time frame ... the code is open source, though ...