The title quite says it all. Bela crashes when running a patch that attempts to use [netsend] to transmit OSC data over WiFi. I would expect that [netsend] would work fine when connected through USB, but instead the patch crashes on load with error 139. This has happened before when the dongle failed. This time, I removed it to plug something else over the USB port and experienced this crash, which I can reproduce. The patch runs as expected after replacing the dongle.

I/O thread warning: Error on outgoing socket. Discarding 0 bytes of anoutgoing packet of size 16
I/O thread warning: failed sendto(43, 0xb0cdc0, 16, 0, 0xb4a62d88, 16) call: 101 Network is unreachable
Segmentation fault
make: *** [runide] Error 139
Makefile:612: recipe for target 'runide' failed
Bela stopped

I think/hope I fixed that at some point on an unreleased version ... let me see if I can release it at some point soon-ish.

In the meantime, if it hurts when you do X, don't do X.