Hi Eveyone, @giuliomoro

I have been following the tutorial Using an OLED Screen with few questions regarding its application.

I am using this OLED screen and using the code of the tutorial. Picking the correct function from the list on this page (https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/wiki/u8g2setupc) doesn’t allow me to get any visuals, only using the standard one in the tutorial, but then I get visuals where the image is distorted.

I wonder why do I get this behaviour by using the correct id, I have tried:

SSD1306 128X32_WINSTAR

Maybe I need to change something extra in the code?

Another question is regarding the way that the screen behaves. I do really like the design of the model when I send numbers (to /number though OSC) to the bela. It is a readable and large font for the screen. How can I make this model also print text?