I bought a Bela starter kit. I'm have audio out cable connected to amp. (If the amp connects to my phone as an audio source, I hear audio fine.). When I boot the Bela, I see a flashing blue light near the USB cable, kind of like a heart beat. When I go to Bela.local, I can see and modify code.

But I'm getting no audio out of the output jack, no matter how much I turn up my amp. I feel like I'm doing something very silly and cannot figure it out. Any help?

See a short video of the baord, light, and wiring here [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wtejznxjaxpfgzuxl8bzg/IMG_0250.MOV?rlkey=5rwq7ifzhxrnef0921hf3ls5h&dl=0](https://)

    drumminhands When I go to Bela.local, I can see and modify code.

    What's missing is probably pressing the run button in the IDE so that the code can run. When it does, you should see the blue LED on the Bela cape itself start blinking.

      giuliomoro There we go. Smacking my forehead in response. It works great now. Thanks for being kind to a noob.