- Edited
after long months of trying to finish this project as part of my Barchelor thesis, and with great help from many people, and especially Giulio Moro from the Bela team, this is the final result.
Among other things, this thesis contains parts of hardware-software integration "tutorials", namely leds, pushbuttons, rotary encoders, shift registers, as well a few considerations about limitations in their implementation.
Note that all the above come from a very limited point of view, as I was struggling to understand all these things my self during this long process, and are provided here as rough guidelines for people that start from 0 with both hardware and software as well as Bela, such was my case when I started this project.
Finally the gen-bela integration is explored roughly, as well some basic tutorials on how to use gen~ coding while having this final setup in mind. Note that this thesis concludes that it is much more efficient to design a code in a different programing environment than gen, but existing codes, posibly with small number of inputs/outputs could be (potentially) easily integrated with bela, following some of the advices in the paper, most (if not all) of which, where provided by Giulio Moro in the thread here:
Hope it might help someone, and use as you want!