Does the Bela Mini with expander have issues reading buttons?

The Bela running the exact same code detects the button held as 1 and 0 when un-held, but the mini outputs 1001011010101010101 like chaos.

Under an oscilloscope, the input is noisy, the signal is on-off-on-off when the button is doing nothing.

Is there something more that the mini needs to clean up the digital ins?

Using this wiring:

When I hold the button, the onslaught of 101010101 takes the CPU up to 90+% at times

I attempted to use the Belascope, but I don't think it likes digitalins, so nothing shows up on it.
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if i take a jumper and just straight up put 3.3v into PD26, the results are the same. 1010010101001010 chaos until the bela self-shutsdown and reboots itself from high CPU usage

When using the multichannel expander, the analog, digital and scope channels are shifted forward by 6 (sorry this is poorly documented), so channel "26" should actually be D3 and the scope channels should be 33, 34, 35, 36.

I also can’t seem to find a pin out for the Bela audio eXpander, the big version

I only seem to find the ctag pin out. What’s the deal for this ? 8 above docs too?

Audio Expander on Bela doesn't add new channels, so the pinout is as per the diagram. I also realised in the Bela Mini Multichannel Audio starter kit (Bela Mini + BelaMini Multichannel Audio Expander) case I made a mistake above: you need to add 6 (not 8) channels to the count (because that's the number of extra audio channels being added). I amended the above message with the correct (I hope ) numbers.

Interesting a I cannot get PD to record audio when button is held at all - using the example is the docs about sample recording, but that doesn’t seem to be working

Using the correct pin? Add a print to ensure the input is behaving as intended

    giuliomoro So revisiting this while i'm back at the studio —

    Context: The bela mini with audio expander.

    Put an LED into D9/3.3v and print the results, the console is overwhelmed by 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 to the point where it crashes the browser.

    The LED is on the whole time, though I assume it's not technically 'on', but there's PWM blasting it away.

    I cannot get the Belamini to chill out and just say it's high or it's low. It just overloads.

    is this normal? or is my hardware faulty here?

    I can confirm this patch works as expected for both inputs and outputs and BelaMiniMulti:

    full patch:


    And connecting a wire from D10 (NOTE: D10 and D11 are mislabelled on the board, check the pin diagram in the IDE) back to one of the inputs D0 through D9 works as expected,.

    What LED are you talking about and why is that connected to an input?

    For me, running this script kills the bela after a barrage of 1s and 0s - does your browser crash when running this?

    I’ll update the board and see if it changes anything.