I am trying to run a fairly big pure data patch (about 100 kB), to serve an interactive installation for kids. It seems that no matter what settings, the CPU rises to the roof, about 85-90%. I compiled the cyclone external library on the board and even when I run a very small patch with minimal settings (block size 512, no analog, no digital), running only a loadbang to a metro that bangs at a cyclone/counter once a second, the cpu is already around 25%, is this normal behaviour? I feel like something is wrong. Any help will be immensely appreciated!

Do not go above 128 (or 64 for Bela Rev C) samples per block unless you have something that processes samples in a block fashion (e.g.: fft~), in which case use the step size of your block algorithm. With that and without analog or digital the CPU usage should be around 10% when nothing is happening in the patch?