• SoftwarePure Data
  • pure data Segmentation fault Error 139 recipe for target 'runide' failed

Segmentation faultmake: *** [runide] Error 139

Build finished
Running project...
Running Pd 0.48-0
Audio channels in use: 2
Analog channels in use: 8
Digital channels in use: 16
No MIDI device enabled

Segmentation fault
make: *** [runide] Error 139
Makefile:524: recipe for target 'runide' failed

Deadline for the weekend and this is the most useless error message I've seen. Searching for it is circular, leads back to a forum post about HEAVY.

This is just vanilla PD

Can anyone help shine a light here?
alt text

are you telling me, that as an OG bela fella, i have kept the board in 2018 mode for 5 years!!!!!?????

I've been updating via IDE, but clearly I missed the update_board message

My stress levels went from 10000% to about 25% as soon as the update finished. Amazing.

You're racking up quite the beer tab giuliomoro that I owe you

That look is pre-early 2019, but IIRC you got your board in May 2018, so I just assumed you had never updated.