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i want to get an idea of how easy it is to use bela, easily, with pure data patches that incorporate externals - patches like the mutable instruments stuff, or externals like notch and other stuff that i find and make a mess of in my own patches.... : )
i am fairly new to all of this, but have been recently playing with some daisy seeds, coming from pure data through pd2dsy or plugdata, and before that i have used the glorious simple and intuitive axoloti.
i am making artworks where i incorporate sound, to sit alongside my images, which are spark discharges made with high voltage audio frequency sources. trying to bring it all together.
ideally, i want to move towards using live inputs - sending electric signals through materials and monitoring them - to dynamically change the sound, in response to materials. i also would like to have the possibility to use multiple channels - up to 8 like the ctag modules - to create "kinetic" sound works, not just side to side stereo....
my main question is - can bela easily run pre data externals? daisy cannot - they need to be translated and i am no programmer. axoloti is lovely, but limited (and dead hardware-wise until ksoloti comes along....)....
any suggestions would be welcome, and experience of users would be so very much appreciated!!!