While i was deciding and reasearching the best platform to build a dyi sampler with some effects, and get some piezo triggers and maybe some loop habilities thing I really want to do to use in my music projects, I found out about Bela, and that I realized I already had a spare forgotten Beaglebone black. as so, I'm decided to buy a Bela Board and get into Bela world.

While I don't get my bela board, I decided just to flash the bela firmware on the Beaglebone to see if it was working and check the GUI and get familiar with it.
My question is, while i don’t get the board, to start experimenting with it, is it possible to do some C++ testing on the bela firmware using directly the beaglebone GPIO's without having the Bela board installed?


Hmmm we never did that before. But I just made a branch for you that should do it. Use this branch https://github.com/BelaPlatform/Bela/tree/run-without-codec (see instructions here to update to the non-master branch).

Of course only pinMode(), digitalRead() and digitalWrite()/digitalWriteOnce() will actually do something meaningful with this setup.