I am testing the bela board with the capelet and csound. When I try to send a signal to outputs 3 or above, it produces no sound.
The hardware bridges are OK and the bela settings are also activated to work with the capelet.
Using the multi-sinetone from the multichannel examples works fine and as expected. So there is possibly some issue with csound accessing the capelet In/Out ports.
Any idea how to solve this?

is this adding the Audio Expander Capelet on top of the Bela cape?
The channels provided by the capelet are available as analog outputs, not audio outputs. If you enable them as audio analog outputs in the project settings, they will still show up as a audio outputs, but you can send them values between -1 and 1 instead of 0 to 1 as for regular analog outputs.

yes, the capelet is on top of the bela board. So how does csound get acess to the capelet audio ouputs? I assume it is the same way as the stereo outs from the bela board.
Here´s the code I used:

-d -odac -iadc
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 8
0dbfs = 1

instr 1

  if1 = 100
  indx init 1
  incr = 1
  imax = nchnls
  iamp1 = -3

    iamp = db(iamp1-indx)
    ifreq = if1 * indx
    ichn = indx
    schedule 2, 0, p3, iamp, ifreq, ichn
  loop_le indx, incr, imax, loop

instr 2
print p4, p5, p6
  asine poscil p4, p5
  outch p6, asine

i1 0 86400

Sorry, I had a typo in my previous message. You can access channels from the capelet audio outputs as if they were analog channels. If you tick the corresponding setting in the IDE, you will be able to send them values between -1 and 1, otherwise you will have to send values between 0 and 1.

Yes, this what I understood. I'm sending a sinewave to each audio channel 1 to 6 via outch.

Ok, I see. I'll try tomorrow with chnset and report.

OK, that´s it. So to have access to the extended audio In/Outs of the capelet you just use the analog In/Out with "chnset" or "chnget". It works fine. Thank you.