Hello, this might be a very stupid question, but have to ask anyway, since I am struggling to get things happening with very basic things. I am woring on a Pure Data patch that will play a sound for a certain amount of time and later on when I have gotten the basics to work I willlet the sound be activated by a simple switch. And it seems here lays my biggest trouble (atm), I seem not to be able to get the digital Input to be assigned correctly, though I do not have any error message iether, telling something about it. The patch seems to work as intended when I am running it in Pd on the computer, it´s when I try to get it onto Bela Mini that I cannot read the Digital In-state, to activate the sound.
Do I need to install some library/libraries to get the Digital/Analog pins assignments working when I am installing the pd patch to Bela Mini. I might have missed something basic things here... The example file Digital Out works fine (LED blinking) but not the Digital In (that´s supposed to read a button and light up LED). I have been thiinking in terms of lack of enough power through USB (making some things not run so smooth) but even when I have a more powerful USB hub the problem remains. Also I have tried to my best to troubleshoot the breadboard with multimeter, so I know the electrical signal should arrive at Digital In (+.3.3V).
The sounds play perfectly well, so the problem seems to be something about the Digital pins... I hope you can see the pd patch down here too.

If anyone has some pointers to anything that might get me further into solving this problem I would be super happy!
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All the best, Björn Eriksson, Sweden

Ouchh,.... just when I posted this thread I saw that I had accidently pit the 3.3V on GND and GND to next pin right to it... Need to update my glasses! :-) So now the pin issue was resolved! Sorry for bothering you! THANKS anyway!