• Bela ide not starting

I have been using Bela for some time with no issues with the ide starting and then two days ago I cannot get it to start on my Mac or work PC. The PC is strange because it was left connected up after yesterday when it worked for me to go back to today - however, today I found no way to get the ide started. Nothing has changed that I know of. On the Mac at home it is the same. This is frustrating as I am trying to get my Pure Data instrument degugged for a demonstration next Wednesday ... Any help would be very welcome ...

I have just tried again on a PC. BELABOOT appears as drive E: but I then get: "There is a problem with this drive. Scan the drive now and fix it."

Is this a necessary step?

    david "There is a problem with this drive. Scan the drive now and fix it."
    Is this a necessary step?

    No, that just means it was not removed with the "eject" procedure. On Windows, you'd see that all the time. The good news os this drive showing up is that the board should be healthy.

    Is there a program running on boot on the board? In that case, it may be slowing down the loading of the IDE at boot. In that case, follow instructions from the last entry here https://learn.bela.io/using-bela/about-bela/troubleshooting-guide/#program-running-at-boot-and-board-not-showing-up

    Thanks for this - there was a program running and pressing the 'off' button on the Cape worked and the IDE came up. No software showed on the IDE so I gues it did not read the Bela board as usual? However, dropping a Pd patch on the IDE is not working (nothing comes up) so I am stuck again. I am not clear what state it is in or whether I need to set anything up before drag/drop of the Pd patch.

      david No software showed on the IDE so I gues it did not read the Bela board as usual?

      what did this look like? It may be that it hadn't loaded properly it may take stopping the program with the button a few times before the IDE can fully load. If the IDE doesn't look "normal", it is not usable. The methods highlighted at the page above would prevent the program from running altogether, thus greatly speeding up the IDE load.

      8 months later

      Hi I am having startup issues again today. The IDE is not coming up - I am editing a Pd patch and have been for a few days at work on a pc laptop with no issues but today I could not get the IDE up and had to give up - I am stuck. I feel I am missing some intuition as to how it works to help me sort such an issue - Any thoughts would be welcome.

      Hi David, are you using http://bela.local to access the board? I assume this is your Mac that is not working? Can you try running these commands in your terminal and paste here their output?

      cat /Volumes/BELABOOT/bela.version;
      ls /dev/tty*bela*;
      ioreg -p IOUSB -w0 -l |grep -iC3 bela;

      Hi. It is on a pc at work and it has been working well but now does not come up. Could I ask whether you are now using Cloudflare which is coming up when I try to get into the forum? It has been blocking me for a number of tries to login?

        david Could I ask whether you are now using Cloudflare

        That's only used on the forum, not on the board.

        david It is on a pc at work and it has been working well but now does not come up. Could

        Is this a Windows machine then? Do you see the BELABOOT drive in the file explorer and/or do you see a new ethernet network interface when you plug in the board? Allegedly on Windows you can run the following in a terminal and get some useful information about connected USB devices:

        powershell "Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly | Where-Object { $_.InstanceId -match '^USB' }"

        otherwise you should be able to see them from the GUI if you open the Device Manager, select View->devices by connection and look under USB.