Dear all,

I am trying to connect Bela to WiFi via USB but I can't access Pico editor through webIDE. I tried through Terminal and it's accessible. The only problem after I restart networking services is that it takes ages to boot.
What should I do?
P.S. I am doing this so I can run OSC.



but I can't access Pico editor through webIDE

what are these?

when i run this command: root@bela:~# pico /etc/network/interfaces
I get this message: Error opening terminal: unknown.

you can't run that from the console at the bottom of the IDE (if that's what you are trying to do). You have to log in via ssh to do it

    dear giuliomoro
    I keep getting this error message after trying to run the patch:
    build/core/DataFifo.o: file not recognized: File truncated
    clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    make[1]: [/root/Bela/projects/exampleTempProject/exampleTempProject] Error 1
    [/root/Bela/projects/exampleTempProject/exampleTempProject] Error 2

    probably caused by an ungraceful shutdown during a build.
    run rm -rf /root/Bela/build/core/DataFifo.o in the console at the bottom of the IDE