Has someone already deployed the LLVM compilation chain on Bela?

What do you mean?

Our latest test image comes with clang 4.0 (3.8 in the older one), we got them from here. What else is needed / what are you trying to achieve?

I would like to test having Faust LLVM backend running on Bela, that would need being able to link to the LLVM chain, especially the LLVM IT and JIT stuff. So basically having this LLVM package compiled on Bela: http://releases.llvm.org

Well if you click on the "Download" button there, it takes you to the page I linked above, from which we download the pre-built ARM binaries you find on our images. Is that enough?

Well I would need the "LLVM source code" compiled on Bela, not only the "Clang" stuff.

Do you mean the first link ("llvm source code") here?

The installation of clang comes with the following binaries:

root@bela:~# find /usr -type f -name "*llvm*"

Yes the first link: the "llvm source code" itself.

    2 months later

    On a 4.4.x kernel:
    install libllvm from the repo: this has RTTI enabled

    apt-get install libllvm3.9

    * Compile FAUST from source: get the faust2 branch and build and install with

    make install

    * Create a project and add the following make options:

    LDLIBS=-lfaust `llvm-config --ldflags --libs all --system-libs` -lssl -lcrypto
    • add in this file which sletz has adapted from the original Bela architecture file:

    Result: it builds but it does not make sound.

    Note you need to build with:

    LDLIBS="-lfaust `llvm-config --ldflags --libs all --system-libs` -ltinfo -lssl -lcrypto"