Hi, I am having trouble with my bela. I bought mine mid 2021, stopped using it for a bit, and then recently got back into it. On Windows 10 (64bit), I hooked it up to the USB as normal and was able to access the IDE. Then I updated it to the newest version (v0.3.8b) and it crashed the IDE. I've tried going to bela.local as well as I can view bela in my devices. It says that CDC NCM drivers don't exist, but then when I try to troubleshoot the Beaglebone driver issue the install fails. The light pattern is normal. The usb cable is the one that came with my original bela. Thoughts?
Can't connect to IDE after updating
npierok Then I updated it to the newest version (v0.3.8b) and it crashed the IDE
Newest version is v0.3.8h.
Is there a file called bela.version in the BELABOOT drive that shows up on your computer when you plug Bela in via USB? What's its content?
Is there any network connection showing up when you connect Bela?
The update completely fixed it! Thanks haha
giuliomoro added the Solved tag .