Hi. I'm really stuck with this and I'm hoping someone can help.

I had some inspiration to add a new patch to my Bela board, and when I connected it to my machine, it fired up as expected, IDE works just fine, but I cannot build any PD project, even the default projects that the board came with. I've tried creating new, simple _main.pd files, but nothing works.

When I try to build, I receive the errors: /bin/bash: -: invalid option make: *** [/root/Bela/projects/ProjectName/build/Makefile.inc] Error 1 (see attached screenshot)

I haven't found any documentation on errors of this nature, and I'm really hoping that I can get this fixed. Any help is greatly appreciated!

  • Sean
    alt text

To be clear, I have the same issue running any of the C++ example projects too!

hmmm that's new to me ... Did you recently update your board or something?

    No, haven't updated 🙁

    Do you think I need to "re-flash" the board? With an SD card? I'm not sure of this process, but I just want to like, "reset to factory" or something similar...

    Yes that would surely work. Before you do that , can you send me a zip archive that I can use to figure out what the issue is and avoid it showing up again in the future?

    You can create such archive by running the command below in the console at the bottom of the IDE:

    zip -r projects/PROJECTNAME/bela.zip --verbose --exclude "IDE/node_modules/*" --exclude ".git/objects/*" --exclude "Documentation/*"

    by replacing PROJECTNAME with the name of the project that is currently opened in the IDE. Once the command finishes running, you can download the zip archive from the project to your computer and send it to me somehow (e.g.: share a google drive or dropbox link?).

    Once that's done, you can reflash your SD card as explained here https://learn.bela.io/using-bela/bela-techniques/managing-your-sd-card/#flash-an-sd-card-using-balena-etcher

    Ahh, I just saw your post after I updated via the IDE...

    Thanks for your time and for providing info.