• Getting Started
  • Trying to get Bela Mini to boot with physical USB ethernet working...

I have a bela mini. Trying to get a physical USB to ethernet adapter to work.

What I would like to work:
5v applied to vin (emulating barrel jack)
connect the type-A usb to the ethernet adapter

What does work:
connect micro USB to computer (and thus able to connect via

connect the type-A usb to the ethernet adapter

So weirdly the physical ethernet will work when both the USB gadget and the USB ethernet dongle are attached at boot time. I've been reading through some of the threads here, and I see some things about DHCP? Any idea what I should set to get the adapter working on its own?

Doing some more experiments, it seems if I run a USB power adapter into the micro USB (and not use the VIN pin) everything works with the usb/eth dongle as expected.

    djzielin Doing some more experiments, it seems if I run a USB power adapter into the micro USB (and not use the VIN pin) everything works with the usb/eth dongle as expected.

    yup, expected. USB device plugged into the BelaMini's USB host port only works if power is provided via USB.VIN . This is annoying because USB.VIN is also connected to the USB 5V line of the USB micro port on the PocketBeagle. So if you at the same time provide power via the USB micro and USB.VIN you are at risk of damaging things ... one workaround for that is cutting the USB-VIN pin that goes to the PocketBeagle and then shorting SYS_VIN and USB_VIN on the cape, however that would mean that in order for the USB host port to work you'd need to always provide this external power even when USB micro is connected. Pretty annoying. I think there is another thread on this very topic around here.