So my PD patch has not been displaying when loaded in the IDE. It actually still functions on the hardware exactly how it should, but I decided to dig into what might be causing it.

Was adding objects in groups to a patch until finally, the PD patch would no longer be displayed in the IDE.

Turns out it is the Coll cyclone object. No matter how I instantiate it. Whether with embedded data, referencing an included text...or even just an empty coll object. Once coll is there, the patch no longer displays in the IDE.

I also turned the threaded option for the coll object off with an @threaded 0 (it is threaded by default), still no display.

I am using the version of cyclone compiled specifically for bela.

It's really not a big deal as the patch still functions as it should, I'm just curious if this is a known issue or if I am doing something wrong? Would be nice to include instructions to view in patch in the IDE like the examples do.

Can you share the smallest patch that doesn't display? Note that the renderer knows nothing about the content/behaviour of the patches. It only reads the text file and tries to represent it so the issue is most likely with the arguments of the coll object than with its behaviour. When a rendering error happens you should see it printed in the dev console of your browser.

Away from computer for a bit. I can say just a single coll object with no arguments at all and no content within will not render in the IDE. This is despite having the external right there in the project.

Not sure if you work with the cyclone objects at all, but if you were to just create a _main.pd patch with nothing but a coll object, that's all you would need to see what happens (or what DOESN'T happen).

Seems to just be a problem with the object from the get.

I will have to take a look at the dev console. Was only watching the console in the IDE.

OK fixed it. When you add [coll] (or even [cyclone/coll]), this creates a line #C restore in the Pd file, e.g.:

#N canvas 63 63 450 300 12;
#X obj 146 70 cyclone/coll;
#C restore;
#X obj 146 179 coll;
#C restore;

By ignoring it, the display works fine. A fix for this is now available on the dev branch.