Hello all,

I'm attempting to get my Bela working, but I seem to be having no joy. I have flashed an SD card with the latest available image v0.3.8h. The board seems to boot up fine (lights flash for 30 seconds or so before steadily flashing at a heartbeat pace), but I can't seem to connect to it in any way.

I've tried a few different solutions after looking on this forum, but still can't get it to work. If anyone could help me, that would be great.

And any attempt at connecting through the terminal doesn't help.

Additional info:
Macbook M1 running MacOS Ventura (so I shouldn't need the drivers, right?)
The Bela is a starter kit. I believe there's a BBB underneath and the Cape is on top (It came pre-built from my university, so I want to assume it's been put together correctly).

Really not sure, any help people?

    rusty12345 Macbook M1 running MacOS Ventura (so I shouldn't need the drivers, right?)

    Haven't tested on M1, but MacOS Ventura is what I have on my Intel macbook and Bela shows up without need for drivers.

    rusty12345 e there's a BBB underneath and the Cape is on top


    After you connect the board and wait for two minutes, please run the following commands in a terminal on your mac one at a time and post here the results:

    cat /Volumes/BELABOOT/bela.version
    ls /dev/tty*bela*
    ioreg -p IOUSB -w0 -l
    2 years later

    I had this issue on my M3 MBP and found that I just had to ssh to the Bela via the terminal to trigger the security message about allowing access to the device. Then I could connect via the browser right away.