Wanting to use Bela Mini as a mini effects unit to run different patches. I needed a screen as using knobs for different purposes on different patches and switch is so I can use 4 knobs for 8 things.

Really impressed with this little thing, the easy IDE and documentation in forum on getting the screen going. Will start to learn more now I have a working "module". I think the case might need an upgrade though!

That's brilliant! Great work. Would you be interested in sharing something on the Bela blog about the build process? With or without the case upgrade :-D

Yeah. Love to. Do you want me to just write something and email it to you? It's all very simple. May need to be in it's new home or give the cereal box a bit of sturdiness!

Excellent, I'll send you an email now with some more information.

Mk 2 now up an running. Thanks to @giuliomoro for the guides on externals as I finally got ipoke~ working on a device (used on bucket delay). Now I need to remember what other patches I wanted to use this with!

9 days later

Looper with random slicing and layers patch. Foot controller just plugged in to usb on the bela mini and worked (set to midi values in patch).

2 months later

A couple of more patches. A reverse delay > reverb in Pure Data and a kind of noise maker with all sorts made in Faust and turned into a PD external (to work with screen and knob code).

Instructions for creating PD external from Faust on the Bela very easy to follow here:


a month later