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Sorry for the screenshot. It kept disappearing from the console before I could copy and paste it. I can type it up if needed so that it shows up in search results.

This popped up when loading the browser IDE. It's not a big deal, as all of my code is up to date, but I am unable to re-init a new git repo. In the git section of the IDE, the only option available is "Initialize Repo". When I click it, the console prints "Error: repo already exists" Any help would be appreciated to get my git back up and running.

If you need to re-init a repo you may need to manually remove the .git folder in the project folder, e.g.:
type the following in the IDE console:

rm -rf projects/PROJECTNAME/.git

Let's flag this up to @LiamDonovan who handles the IDE git side of things.

Great, did that and managed to begin a new repo. Luckily enough I had a remote I was pulling from on my desktop so I still have access to all the history. Unfortunately, I don't have much info to give you as to how the error happened. Seemed to be pretty random.