I use PlugData v0.6.2 based on Pd-0.52.2 to create a patch for Bela(v0.3.8f, 4 Jan 2022, pd 0.51.4) to control the pitch bend slider of a third party software(Ample guitar SC).
From the help file bendout object takes values from -8192 to 8191 and to my knowledge output values from 0 to 16383.
Test 1 : PlugData via loopmidi vs MidiView and Ample guitar SC
Bendout input ----- MidiView -----------Ample guitar
-8192 -------------------- 0 ------------------------- 0%
0 ---------------------------8192 -------------------- 50%
8191 ---------------------16383 ------------------- 100%
So with PlugData bendout does exactly what it should in both MidiView and Ample guitar SC.
Test 2 : Bela via midi function vs MidiView and Ample guitar SC.
Potentiometer -------- MidiView ----------------------Ample guitar SC
0kΩ ------------------------- 8192 -------------------------------- 50%
5kΩ ------------------------ 16383 ------------------------------- 100%
Tipping point
5kΩ ------------------------- 0 ------------------------------------- 0%
10kΩ ----------------------- 8191 -------------------------------- 50%
With Bela bendout does not work as it should in both MidiView and Ample guitar SC
Does any one knows what could cause this?