I'm trying to read data from 2 BNO055 (from Adafruit) and send them via OSC.
FIRST: Thanks to @giuliomoro and @theleadingzero for sharing your library and examples on Github.

Now to my problem:
I can't initialize 2 Instances of class I2C_BNO055. One Sensor at a time works perfectly.
The wiring seems to be ok, as I can find both sensors when scanning i2c with their respective addresses.

Here's the error I got:

Building project ...
Building render.cpp...
Using library OscSender
Using library UdpClient
Build finished
Running project ...
id: 160
switching to operation mode
Unable to send data from readRegister: -1
in operation mode
Initialised BNO055 2
id: 160
switching to operation mode
Unable to send data from readRegister: -1
Segmentation fault
Makefile:621: recipe for target 'runide' failed
make: *** [runide] Error 139
Bela stopped

And the Code of my reder.ccp

#include <Bela.h>
#include <cmath>
//#include <rtdk.h>
#include "Bela_BNO055.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <linux/input.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <libraries/OscSender/OscSender.h>

OscSender oscSender;

std::string gOscAddress = "/imu"; // OSC address. Message format: <address> <encoderId> <encoderValue>
std::string gDestinationIp = ""; // is the host computer (if it's a Mac or Linux, it would be if it's Windows).
//std::string gDestinationIp = ""; // local IP Adress of the Bela
int gDestinationPort = 5555;
//UdpClient sock;

/*BNO055 INIT*/
// Change this to change how often the BNO055 IMU is read (in Hz)
int readInterval = 100;

//I2C_BNO055 bno; // IMU sensor object
I2C_BNO055 bno1; // = I2C_BNO055(1, BNO055_ADDRESS_A);
I2C_BNO055 bno2; // = I2C_BNO055(1, BNO055_ADDRESS_B);
int buttonPin = 1; // calibration button pin
int lastButtonValue = 0; // using a pulldown resistor

// Quaternions and Vectors
imu::Quaternion gCal1, gCalLeft1, gCalRight1, gIdleConj1, gCal2, gCalLeft2, gCalRight2, gIdleConj2 = {1, 0, 0, 0};
imu::Quaternion qGravIdle1, qGravCal1, quat1, steering1, qRaw1, qGravIdle2, qGravCal2, quat2, steering2, qRaw2;

imu::Vector<3> gRaw1;         
imu::Vector<3> gGravIdle1, gGravCal1; imu::Vector<3> ypr1; //yaw pitch and roll angles imu::Vector<3> gRaw2;
imu::Vector<3> gGravIdle2, gGravCal2; imu::Vector<3> ypr2; //yaw pitch and roll angles int calibrationState = 0; // state machine variable for calibration int setForward = 0; // flag for setting forward orientation // variables handling threading AuxiliaryTask i2cTask; // Auxiliary task to read I2C AuxiliaryTask gravityNeutralTask; // Auxiliary task to read gravity from I2C AuxiliaryTask gravityDownTask; // Auxiliary task to read gravity from I2C int readCount = 0; // How long until we read again... int readIntervalSamples = 0; // How many samples between reads int printThrottle = 0; // used to limit printing frequency // function declarations void readIMU(void*); void getNeutralGravity(void*); void getDownGravity(void*); void calibrate(); void resetOrientation(); /*BNO055 INIT END*/ // setup() is called once before the audio rendering starts. // Use it to perform any initialisation and allocation which is dependent // on the period size or sample rate. // // userData holds an opaque pointer to a data structure that was passed // in from the call to initAudio(). // // Return true on success; returning false halts the program. bool setup(BelaContext *context, void *userData) { bool init = false; if(!bno2.begin( 1, BNO055_ADDRESS_B)) { rt_printf("Error initialising BNO055 2\n"); init = false; }else{ rt_printf("Initialised BNO055 2\n"); init = true; } if(!bno1.begin( 1, BNO055_ADDRESS_A)) { rt_printf("Error initialising BNO055 1\n"); }else{ rt_printf("Initialised BNO055 1\n"); init = true; } return init; rt_printf("Initialised BNO055\n"); // use external crystal for better accuracy bno1.setExtCrystalUse(true); bno2.setExtCrystalUse(true); // get the system status of the sensor to make sure everything is ok uint8_t sysStatus, selfTest, sysError; bno1.getSystemStatus(&sysStatus, &selfTest, &sysError); rt_printf("System Status 1: %d (0 is Idle) Self Test: %d (15 is all good) System Error: %d (0 is no error)\n", sysStatus, selfTest, sysError); bno2.getSystemStatus(&sysStatus, &selfTest, &sysError); rt_printf("System Status 2: %d (0 is Idle) Self Test: %d (15 is all good) System Error: %d (0 is no error)\n", sysStatus, selfTest, sysError); // set sensor reading in a separate thread // so it doesn't interfere with the audio processing i2cTask = Bela_createAuxiliaryTask(&readIMU, 5, "bela-bno"); readIntervalSamples = context->audioSampleRate / readInterval; gravityNeutralTask = Bela_createAuxiliaryTask(&getNeutralGravity, 5, "bela-neu-gravity"); gravityDownTask = Bela_createAuxiliaryTask(&getDownGravity, 5, "bela-down-gravity"); // set up button pin pinMode(context, 0, buttonPin, INPUT); oscSender.setup(gDestinationPort, gDestinationIp); return true; } static void sendIMUXYZOsc(const std::string& subPath, float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2) { std::string address = gOscAddress + subPath; oscSender.newMessage(address).add(x1).add(y1).add(z1).add(x2).add(y2).add(z2).send(); /* oscpkt::PacketWriter pw; pw.init(); std::string address = gOscAddress + subPath; oscpkt::Message msg(address); pw.addMessage(msg.pushFloat(value)); //printf("%s %f\n", address.c_str(), value); if(pw.isOk()) sock.send((void*)pw.packetData(), pw.packetSize()); */ } /** int main(){ if(!sock.setup(gDestinationPort, gDestinationIp.c_str())) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to send to %s:%d\n", gDestinationIp.c_str(), gDestinationPort); return 1; } // Variables keyboard control struct input_event ev; const char *dev = "/dev/input/event1"; // qwerty keyboard capture int fd = open(dev, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s:.\n", dev); return -1; } while (1) { ssize_t n = read(fd, &ev, sizeof ev); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error while reading: %d %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); return -1; } else if (n != sizeof(ev)) { fprintf(stderr, "Read unexpected length\n"); return -1; } else { if (ev.type == EV_KEY && ev.value == 0 && ev.value <= 2) { // key released sendOsc("/released", ev.code); } if (ev.type == EV_KEY && ev.value == 1 && ev.value <= 2) { // key pressed sendOsc("", ev.code); } } } close(fd); // won't actually get here unless an error occurs return 0; }**/ // render() is called regularly at the highest priority by the audio engine. // Input and output are given from the audio hardware and the other // ADCs and DACs (if available). If only audio is available, numAnalogFrames // will be 0. void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData) { // iteratre through all audio samples in the frame for(int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++) { // this schedules the imu sensor readings if(++readCount >= readIntervalSamples) { readCount = 0; Bela_scheduleAuxiliaryTask(i2cTask); //sendOsc("/released", ev.code); } // print IMU values, but not every sample printThrottle++; if(printThrottle >= 500){ sendIMUXYZOsc("", ypr1[0], ypr1[1], ypr1[2], ypr2[0], ypr2[1], ypr2[2]); //sendOsc("/x", ypr[0]); //sendOsc("/y", ypr[1]); //sendOsc("/z", ypr[2]); //rt_printf("%f %f %f\n", ypr[0], ypr[1], ypr[2]); imu::Vector<3> qForward1 = gIdleConj1.toEuler(); imu::Vector<3> qForward2 = gIdleConj2.toEuler(); printThrottle = 0; } //read the value of the button int buttonValue = digitalRead(context, 0, buttonPin); // if button wasn't pressed before and is pressed now if( buttonValue != lastButtonValue && buttonValue == 1 ){ // then run calibration to set looking forward (gGravIdle) // and looking down (gGravCal) switch(calibrationState) { case 0: // first time button was pressed setForward = 1; // run task to get gravity values when sensor in neutral position Bela_scheduleAuxiliaryTask(gravityNeutralTask); calibrationState = 1; // progress calibration state break; case 1: // second time button was pressed // run task to get gravity values when sensor 'looking down' (for head-tracking) Bela_scheduleAuxiliaryTask(gravityDownTask); calibrationState = 0; // reset calibration state for next time break; } } lastButtonValue = buttonValue; // map yaw, pitch, or roll to frequency for synth // change ypr[0] to ypr[1] or ypr[2] to access the other axes /** gFrequency = map(ypr[0], M_PI*-0.5, M_PI*0.5, 100, 800); // calculate audio sample for synth float out = 0.3 * sinf(gPhase); gPhase += 2.0 * M_PI * gFrequency * gInverseSampleRate; if(gPhase > 2.0 * M_PI) gPhase -= 2.0 * M_PI; // write sample to output for(unsigned int channel = 0; channel < context->audioOutChannels; channel++) { audioWrite(context, n, channel, out); }**/ } } // Auxiliary task to read from the I2C board void readIMU(void*) { // get calibration status uint8_t sys, gyro, accel, mag; bno1.getCalibration(&sys, &gyro, &accel, &mag); bno2.getCalibration(&sys, &gyro, &accel, &mag); // status of 3 means fully calibrated //rt_printf("CALIBRATION STATUSES\n"); //rt_printf("System: %d Gyro: %d Accel: %d Mag: %d\n", sys, gyro, accel, mag); // quaternion data routine from MrHeadTracker imu::Quaternion qRaw1 = bno1.getQuat(); //get sensor raw quaternion data imu::Quaternion qRaw2 = bno2.getQuat(); //get sensor raw quaternion data if( setForward ) { gIdleConj1 = qRaw1.conjugate(); // sets what is looking forward gIdleConj2 = qRaw2.conjugate(); // sets what is looking forward setForward = 0; // reset flag so only happens once } steering1 = gIdleConj1 * qRaw1; // calculate relative rotation data steering2 = gIdleConj2 * qRaw2; // calculate relative rotation data quat1 = gCalLeft1 * steering1; // transform it to calibrated coordinate system quat2 = gCalLeft2 * steering2; // transform it to calibrated coordinate system quat1 = quat1 * gCalRight1; quat2 = quat1 * gCalRight2; ypr1 = quat1.toEuler(); // transform from quaternion to Euler ypr2 = quat2.toEuler(); // transform from quaternion to Euler } // Auxiliary task to read from the I2C board void getNeutralGravity(void*) { // read in gravity value imu::Vector<3> gravity1 = bno1.getVector(I2C_BNO055::VECTOR_GRAVITY); imu::Vector<3> gravity2 = bno2.getVector(I2C_BNO055::VECTOR_GRAVITY); gravity1 = gravity1.scale(-1); gravity1.normalize(); gravity2 = gravity2.scale(-1); gravity2.normalize(); gGravIdle1 = gravity1; gGravIdle2 = gravity2; } // Auxiliary task to read from the I2C board void getDownGravity(void*) { // read in gravity value imu::Vector<3> gravity1 = bno1.getVector(I2C_BNO055::VECTOR_GRAVITY); imu::Vector<3> gravity2 = bno2.getVector(I2C_BNO055::VECTOR_GRAVITY); gravity1 = gravity1.scale(-1); gravity2 = gravity2.scale(-1); gravity1.normalize(); gravity2.normalize(); gGravCal1 = gravity1; gGravCal2 = gravity2; // run calibration routine as we should have both gravity values calibrate(); } // calibration of coordinate system from MrHeadTracker // see http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=18567 for full paper // describing algorithm void calibrate() { imu::Vector<3> g1, gravCalTemp1, x1, y1, z1; imu::Vector<3> g2, gravCalTemp2, x2, y2, z2; g1 = gGravIdle1; // looking forward in neutral position g2 = gGravIdle2; // looking forward in neutral position
z1 = g1.scale(-1); z2 = g1.scale(-1); z1.normalize(); z2.normalize(); gravCalTemp1 = gGravCal1; // looking down gravCalTemp2 = gGravCal2; // looking down y1 = gravCalTemp1.cross(g1); y2 = gravCalTemp1.cross(g2); y1.normalize(); y2.normalize(); x1 = y1.cross(z1); x2 = y2.cross(z2); x1.normalize(); x2.normalize(); imu::Matrix<3> rot1; rot1.cell(0, 0) = x1.x(); rot1.cell(1, 0) = x1.y(); rot1.cell(2, 0) = x1.z(); rot1.cell(0, 1) = y1.x(); rot1.cell(1, 1) = y1.y(); rot1.cell(2, 1) = y1.z(); rot1.cell(0, 2) = z1.x(); rot1.cell(1, 2) = z1.y(); rot1.cell(2, 2) = z1.z(); imu::Matrix<3> rot2; rot2.cell(0, 0) = x2.x(); rot2.cell(1, 0) = x2.y(); rot2.cell(2, 0) = x2.z(); rot2.cell(0, 1) = y2.x(); rot2.cell(1, 1) = y2.y(); rot2.cell(2, 1) = y2.z(); rot2.cell(0, 2) = z2.x(); rot2.cell(1, 2) = z2.y(); rot2.cell(2, 2) = z2.z(); gCal1.fromMatrix(rot1); gCal2.fromMatrix(rot2); resetOrientation(); } // from MrHeadTracker // resets values used for looking forward void resetOrientation() { gCalLeft1 = gCal1.conjugate(); gCalRight1 = gCal1; gCalLeft2 = gCal2.conjugate(); gCalRight2 = gCal2; } // cleanup() is called once at the end, after the audio has stopped. // Release any resources that were allocated in setup(). void cleanup(BelaContext *context, void *userData) { // Nothing to do here } /** \imu-sine-sythn/render.cpp Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Sensing with the BNO055 ---------------------------------------------------------- This sketch allows you to hook up BNO055 IMU movement sensing device to Bela, for example the Adafruit BNO055 breakout board. To get this working with Bela you need to connect the breakout board to the I2C terminal on the Bela board. See the Pin guide for details of which pin is which. Connect a push button with a pull-down resistor to pin P8_08. When running sketch, hold IMU in a neutral position and press the push button once. Tilt IMU down (if wearing as for head-tracking, look down) and press the push button a second time. The system is now calibrated. Calibration can be run again at any time. */

Sorry, I just found one of the errors.
I feel like an idiot...

bool init = false;
	if(!bno2.begin( 1, BNO055_ADDRESS_B)) {
		rt_printf("Error initialising BNO055 2\n");
		init =  false;
		rt_printf("Initialised BNO055 2\n");
		init = true;
	if(!bno1.begin( 1, BNO055_ADDRESS_A)) {
		rt_printf("Error initialising BNO055 1\n");
		rt_printf("Initialised BNO055 1\n");
		init = true;
return init; // idiot me!

I'll come back, when I fixed all the other errors.

    can you remove the return init; line from setup() ? That causes the function to return before the device setup is done. Btw, instead of

    	bool init = false;
    	if(!bno2.begin( 1, BNO055_ADDRESS_B)) {
    		rt_printf("Error initialising BNO055 2\n");
    		init =  false;
    		rt_printf("Initialised BNO055 2\n");
    		init = true;
    	if(!bno1.begin( 1, BNO055_ADDRESS_A)) {
    		rt_printf("Error initialising BNO055 1\n");
    		rt_printf("Initialised BNO055 1\n");
    		init = true;

    I'd do the error handling as follows:

    	if(!bno2.begin( 1, BNO055_ADDRESS_B)) {
    		rt_printf("Error initialising BNO055 2\n");
    		return false; 
    	rt_printf("Initialised BNO055 2\n");
    	if(!bno1.begin( 1, BNO055_ADDRESS_A)) {
    		rt_printf("Error initialising BNO055 1\n");
    		return false;
    	rt_printf("Initialised BNO055 1\n");

    It's simpler and less error-prone.

    10 months later

    Even though this post is almost a year old it was very inspiring that someone @didymos was attempting to connect two BNO055 sensors to Bela. I just wanted to share my repo for 2 x BNO055 connected concurrently with Bela. Hope other people considering to connecting 2 x BNO055 to Bela will find this helpful https://github.com/L4COUR/Bela-2xBNO055.


    Thanks for sharing that. At a quick look, you have no need for two separate threads, because both sensors are on the same I2C bus so only one at a time will be sending data to Bela. While your current code allows for a bit more flexibility (having two sensors reading at independent times), you are not taking advantage of that right now because you are scheduling the reads at exactly the same time for both.

      giuliomoro Thank you so much for taking a look! The two BNO055 sensors are running on I2Caddr 0x28 and 0x29 respectively (by soldering a pad on the backside of the BNO055 breakout board changing the I2Caddr). This corresponds to the code in the Bela_BNO055.h

      50 #define BNO055_ADDRESS_A (0x28)
      51 #define BNO055_ADDRESS_B (0x29)

      But as you are pointing out both sensors are on the same I2C bus. This part is configured in the render.cpp in the previously mentioned code bit from didymos

      if(!bno2.begin( 1, BNO055_ADDRESS_A)) {
      		rt_printf("Error initialising BNO055 1\n");
      		return false; 
      	rt_printf("Initialised BNO055 1\n");
      if(!bno1.begin( 1, BNO055_ADDRESS_B)) {
      		rt_printf("Error initialising BNO055 2\n");
      		return false;
      	rt_printf("Initialised BNO055 2\n");

      currently both sensors are connected to I2Cbus "1", so if I were to change one of these to "0" or "2" then the sensors would be running on seperate buses right? Let me know if I am missing something here.

      When I use i2cdetect -y -r 1 to see the I2Caddr and buses I get the following

           0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
               -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      -- -- -- -- 
      10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 28 29 -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --   

      confirming what you pointed out earlier that 0x28 and 0x29 are both connected to bus 1.
      using i2cdetect -y -r 0 & i2cdetect -y -r 2 I am able to see the other I2C buses on Bela.

           0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
      -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      20: -- -- -- -- UU -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      30: -- -- -- -- 
      34 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      50: UU -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 


           0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
               -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 18 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      30: -- -- -- -- -- 
      -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      50: -- -- -- -- UU UU UU UU -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

      Would it be possible to have 0x28 on bus 1 & 0x29 on bus 0 or 2?
      What would I have to do to make this work?

      Let me know if there is something I need to clarify further

      cheers! 🙂

      • Keyi replied to this.

        I2C-2 pins are available on P9.19 (SCL) and P9.20 (SDA). I2C-0 pins are not available on the headers. It is only advantageous to connect the sensors to two different busses if you are constrained by the bandwidth of a single bus, but IIUC the reading on these sensors is slow enough that you shouldn't have problems on a single bus. What I was suggesting was rather the opposite: do all the reading from a single thread, instead of using two, as the parallelism of the two is not leveraged in your case (as they are using the same bus).

        3 months later

        L4COUR by soldering a pad on the backside of the BNO055 breakout board changing the I2Caddr

        Hi L4COUR, I am also using bno055 on my Bela. Just asking, the default address is 0x29, and you solder the back of bno055 makes the address to 0x28, right?