It may sound intimidating to begin with, but the process can be broken down into three more straightforward steps:
Get your LCD screen working with one of libraries referenced above. I would recommend the nodejs option, as that uses javascript which is a relatively nice language for inexperienced developers, and has an API based on Liquid Crystal for Arduino. Note, you will need to swap some of the pins on the P8 header which are used in the example, as they are used by Bela (to see which pins Bela uses, take a look at our handy interactive pin diagram).
Send the text you want to display from PureData over OSC. OSC stands for open sound control, it's a way of communicating between different programs, particularly when building musical systems. It's very common to send OSC messages from PD, see here for an example (note you will need to use IP address
Receive the OSC messages in nodejs, and pass them to the LCD screen. I would recommend using osc-min for this.
It sounds complicated I know, but being able to send osc messages around is a powerful and useful skill! Feel free to ask any questions here if you get stuck.