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Hey all,
I'm a relatively new user of the BELA platform and was looking to get started using a original BELA board I was gifted from a professor. I was watching the first of the BELA lectures on YouTube and initially had no problem getting into the IDE by just typing in the http://bela.local address. I got to the section of updating the board to the latest version, and I tried doing that. Got the latest master .zip off of of the "Updating Bela" section of the Knowledge Base area. While my board was in the process of updating with that .zip in the IDE, it failed. it was a couple days ago at this point and I don't remember the terminal message it gave, it didn't go through.
So I tried reconnecting the board in hopes I could just re-try the update - and since then I haven't been able to access the IDE at all. Chrome just gives me the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED and says bela.local refused to connect. I've also tried the IP address for windows, to no avail. (
I still see the BELABOOT (D drive in my windows file explorer though, so I do know that the board is connecting and is recognized. The blue heartbeat light and the power light are both on.
My next thought was to try running the update_board.sh script to manually update it, and maybe that would fix it, but I haven't gotten through this step yet. Since I'm on windows 10, I tried downloading cygwin as my linux terminal and running the update_board script, but I must be doing something wrong. I can open the terminal, but trying to run the script isn't working for me. I pasted the whole unzipped Bela-master file into the cygwin directory, and as you can see by the attached image
when I try to run "sh update_board" it gives me a syntax error on line 130. I can go into the file with Notepad++, but very unsure if the right thing to do is to change anything...
I'm pretty new to software still and might be making a simple error/overlooking something, to be honest the issue could be in a whole different area than the update_board.sh and I wouldn't know. Hoping I can work through it with someone much more knowledgeable than I am.
Thank you to anyone who reaches out!!!