Hello, all -
I'm experiencing a couple of things: I have a Novation Launch Control midi controller (dials, sends controller data, mostly (e.g. 0xBn..where n is the0-based midi chn #)) ... I'm having issues periodically using it with belacsound.
One of two things happen:
1. The USB connection frequently seems to re-initialize the Launch Control. It manifests as the startup sequence on the pads on the controller go through their light-up sequence. Indeed, the fit between my USB cable to the Launch Control isn't so snug, so, if I jiggle the connection between the cord and the BelaMini, I can cause the lights to initialize. This manifests as sometimes Csound loses the linux kernal port handle to the MIDI port, and so the port "ceases" to exist for a time. Even if I don't jiggle the connection, it happens spontaneously. In other words, the physical connection of the MIDI USB port is quite fragile.
2. Whether or not the USB port connection appears to re-init, running a MIDI-based Csound instrument that uses the Launch Control (e..g using the ctrl7
opcode), it will end up seemingly stopping the reception of current data...like, it gets stuck on certain values. The csound DSP main process loop goes on its merry way, and sound still happens, but I'm no longer able to update my control parameters.
Any thoughts on this? Anyone else experience similar?