hi there,
i bought a trill craft (among other trills) during the kickstarter campaign.
i have a couple of questions, since i never worked with the sensors until now...
i would like to create a 30 (or maybe 60 with two crafts) arrangement of hexagonal touch sensors, much like this setup: https://www.c-thru-music.com/cgi/?page=prod_axis-49
my questions are:
-what is the minimum latency from touching a sensor to an output to a teensy via i2c? is it still 5ms, or less?
-will i be able to get some additional parameters additionally to the touched sensor? like, how hard it is pressed, or which direction my finger moves on the sensor (maybe by reading the nearby sensors as well) in order to get for example vibrato or aftertouch data...
sorry if these things are obvious but i have not dived into the capacitive touch world until now.