Hi Bela community!
I meant to ask about MaxMSP/gen~/Bela board integration.
I know this topic was discussed previously in previous posts:
and that I´m supposed to use a Bela wrapper prepared by Cycling:
Excuse the newbie questions, I just have no idea how to implement the GitHub template for the Bela wrapper:
1. Which file of the GitHub code should I open in the Bela IDE?
2. Which file of the gen~ export should I “drag and drop” on my Bela project?
3. I´m wondering if there´s any update on the topic in 2021?
I´m sharing:
Screenshot #1: GitHub Bela Wrapper files
Screenshot #2: Sample gen~ export folder
Screenshot #3: Inside gen~ dsp (more that came out of gen export folder)
Thanks for your time helping me out!