Hello Guilio,
Some time ago, on the Bela, I was able to set ksmps in my .csd files to 32.
In fact, this is the default setting for all the .csd files in the Csound manual.
But for some time now, I am required to set ksmps=16 or ksmps=8 (tons of dropped blocks)
or ksmps = 4 (crash!). I get the following message in the console: SECTION 1:
Initialising spinlock...
Starting realtime mode queue: 0xb51ef010 thread: 0x5598e8
Error: Csound's ksmps (32) and Bela's periodSize (16) differ and the latter is not a multiple of the former. This would lead to uneven CPU usage, and result in dropouts while some CPU resources remain unused.
error initialising Bela
I have tried (in the setting icon of the Bela IDE) to change the Blocksize of the Bela to 32 or 64 but that does not seem to work.
(Do I need to reset the Bela - or something in order to get it to recognize these new 'settings'?)
(What might you have changed that is now forcing me to 'only' use ksmps = 16?)