I would like to ask about your experience generally with digital sensors and csound. As far as I can see,
apart from the trill sensors that seams to work with the trill opcode in csound, all other digital sensors should be decoded to have access to the readable values. Is there any way to have access to the arduino or any other libraries and use them in csound?

As far as I know, there is no opcode to interact with generic I2C devices, but it wouldn't be impossible to write one that does, perhaps on the blueprint of the Trill ones. While this would allow you to communicate with the sensors, you may have to implement some (potentially fairly complicated) device-specific routines in Csound to transmit and format/parse date going to/coming from the device.
Perhaps a better option for device with a non-trivial communication protocol is to get your hands dirty a bit deeper in C++ and port individual Arduino libraries each to a different opcode.

Thanks for your answer. Maybe it is worth to take a look at the trill code indeed.

14 days later


Maybe we could ask the Csound Developers about writing some I2C opcodes for Csound?


  • luis replied to this.

    csounder: I am using Bela for my compositional projects and also for teaching. For now, using mostly analog sensors, but there are some restrictions that you have to take in account. It would be wonderful to have a general I2C opcode that maybe could be adapted to the different sensors? The TRILL opcode in csound is one that maybe could be adapted. I have had some problems using it, but probably it would be a good starting point.