I'd love to make patch that controls my 4 Yamaha rotating speakers.
This works well with CV: 0V the speaker isn't turning to 5V maximum speed.
It would be practical to have 2 arrays that show the waves of the stereo audio file that will be played,
and 4 arrays right under it where I can draw the rotating speed CV's of each individual speaker.

It's important that once modified, the arrays can be saved to be played in a loop in sync with the audio.

I should say that I'm pretty new to this. I did program a bit of PD for my Bela Pepper, so want to continue with an extra Bela board as it can play my stereo sound file and output the CV's for the motor speeds.
Can anyone set me on the right track?
Are there any examples of something like this? Or did anyone here already draw CV in an array to be played in sync with audio?

is this done in PureData?

I think you could draw the arrays on the host then save the patch with the array content and run it on Bela. You could use an array of a few hundred points and read it with [tabread4~] to interpolate as you read ... actually you could even have the arrays of the same size as the song. If they are too long that the patch becomes huge when you save it, then you could just do your edits in Pd (or something else) on your computer, then save the automations as audio files and the patch that runs on Bela only has a bunch of [soundfiler] or even [readsf~] which simply play back those files.

8 days later

Yes, this is done in PD.
Good idea to make the it simpler by playing back those files!