While filling up Bela (Mini) with more and more Pure Data patches i am re-using the same abstractions over and over again for different patches/projects.
Is there a way to store those abstractions in a separate folder instead of having to re-upload them every time i start a new project?

Secondly, how does it generally work to switch between (PD) projects in standalone mode, without IDE connection?

Thanx for any insights.

    You can create a dummy project called pd-externals and the .pd abstractions and .pd_linux externals you drop in there will be accessible by all your projects.

    jayrope Secondly, how does it generally work to switch between (PD) projects in standalone mode, without IDE connection?

    Open the Settings tab of the IDE. At the very top there is a drop down menu labelled Run project on boot. Select •loop_*•. This will run all the projects whose name starts with loop_. To switch from one project to the next you will need to kill the current project. The easiest way to do it is to briefly press (for less than 2 seconds) the button that is on the Bela cape. If you are going to put the board in an enclosure, you can remote the button by connecting a button to P9.27 on Bela, or P2.34 on BelaMini: all the button does is shorting that pin to ground.

    exactly the same, yes . Or you could just create a "pd-externals" project through the IDE, the same way you would do with a regular project. I call it "dummy" because you wouldn't actually run it as a project in its own right.

    EDIT: no, that procedure is longer than needed. To create that folder use the procedure in the previous paragraph, or run mkdir -p /root/Bela/projects/pd-externals in the console at the bottom of the IDE.

    "pd-externals" works right away for abstractions. Thanks very much @giuliomoro .
    Regarding .pd_linux externals, do i need 64bit or 32bit versions?

    you need externals built for ARMv7, which are not easy to find. The best way is normally to build them your self, or download some of the ones I built and uploaded here. At that address you also find build instructions for the externals I built, which can help building other externals if needed. This is a long thread where I helped troubleshooting building of many different externals.

    8 months later

    Would it be possible to trigger the •loop_*• feature not using the P9 pin 27 to ground connection, but one of the buttons on the Bela Pepper?

    2 months later

    sorry I missed this. You could do this by editing the line

    ExecStart=/usr/bin/stdbuf -oL -eL /usr/local/bin/bela-cape-btn --pin 60 --hold /opt/Bela/bela_button_hold.sh --delay 10 --monitor-click 0 --verbose --hold-press-timeout-ms 2000

    in /lib/systemd/system/bela_button.service. It currently uses pin 60 (P9.27). You'd need to set a different pin, the one connected to the button of our choice.

    You could also ignore the above and (assuming the polarity of the signal is correct, which I should double check) route the relevant button pin to P9.27 via a an external wire soldered to the button pin and to the back of the BeagleBone.