- Edited
Hi! New here. Going through the C++ tutorial. I'm comfortable with software development on Linux and I use git daily. I'm trying to figure out what the word "update" means when the tutorial lesson 0 says "bring the Bela up to date".
- bela-image-builder looks like a cross compiler toolchain and a kernel so probably not that? It's at version 0.3.8
- Bela looks like it's what is referred to as updating the IDE. Cool! But there aren't any releases on github.
- Updating Bela tutorial web page links to the automatically created ZIP archive of the master branch of the Bela repository. Now we're getting somewhere.
Cool, so we're tracking master. i wonder if the Bela directory on the board (I got a kit with the pre-flashed image) has a git repo? Looks like it does but it has lots of uncommited changes. I haven't created original work yet. I've only run examples through the IDE.
root@bela:~/Bela# git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
root@bela:~/Bela# git fetch
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/BelaPlatform/Bela.git/': Could not resolve host: github.com
Derp, I don't have internet on the board. I guess I could use ethernet or a wifi dongle? Meh. Continuing to do things the hard way, I clone the Bela repo on my host computer and I'm running the update_board script from there. The update is running as I expected. It's so cool to have a full GNU toolchain on the board! Looks like there's some custom .deb packages too...
The script says I updated successfully.
The last commit in git log
in /root/Bela outputs
Author: Giulio Moro <giuliomoro@yahoo.it>
Date: Mon Feb 24 12:20:59 2020 +0000
Csound: updated to 6.14
But the repo I just ran update_board from says the last commit to master was
commit be6a814d7486706e62cd00b3b1fe8dff64a7fbd6 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Giulio Moro <giuliomoro@yahoo.it>
Date: Sun Jun 14 16:20:32 2020 +0000
terminal-only: updated main.cpps, using AudioFileUtilities
Am I up to date? I really can't tell. Help?
A few minutes later the board seemed to automatically reboot the OS. Still not sure if I'm at the right version.
Ran the update through the IDE via github ZIP archive of master. Now there are a whole bunch of uncommited files in the repo on the Bela. So it looks like the script just doesn't delete the Bela/.git dir before copying and I should expect that history to reflect anything useful.
Props to the hacker that named the Linux USB ethernet device enxbe1ab7a6d2ca