- Edited
I'm a SuperCollider user getting started with Bela, I want to run interactive patches for saxophone on it.
Last night I tried connecting a dynamic mic and wrote a quick test SynthDef to check that some of the things I usually use (and need) were working, along these lines:
SynthDef(\test, {
var in = Soundin.ar(0);
var amp = Amplitude.kr(in);
var freq = Pitch.kr(in);
sig = SinOsc.ar(freq: freq, mul:amp);
Out.ar(0, sig);
so just controlling a SinOsc with pitch and amplitude information from the mic input.
All of the other code for booting the server, setting up the channels and calling the synth was included above and below the SynthDef. When the code is executed and I sing or play into the mic all I get is very high pitched tones, which respond slightly to mic inputs but not in the way intended.
I tried replacing SoundIn.ar with AnalogIn.ar - I'm wondering if the necessary plugins for the above to run are included in the Bela version of SC, or if AnalogIn behaves differently to SoundIn, or if I have a faulty in connector?