I'm curious how many people are using Bela and what people are doing with it. I can't find any examples online, but it's early yet.
Bela Install base?
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Still hoping to get my synth finished soon. It'll be a MIDI controlled box running a Bela for DSP, but real knobs and displays for control. Everything has been prototyped and is working fine, the Bela is handling 32 voices polyphony + effects.
Like you said, early days.
I'll certainly post my work here when it's done.
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We do not actually have numbers of active users, because the board never communicates with the internet.
We sold about 550 kits on Kickstarter
We have about 120 users on this forum, but only half of them has actually posted.
We can get additional stats from the github api :
shows over 250 downloads of the image (across its four releases). Keep in mind we sold about 190 kits which did not include an SD card.
shows 44 people are watching the repo and 13 people (including myself!) forked it. But there is no number of downloads/clones, which would be the most interesting metrics
Then it is being used as a teaching tool in multiple universities around the world.
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If you would like to see some projects there are now a fair few videos of people using the board on our twitter feed https://twitter.com/BelaPlatform
We've tried to retweet everything that people have sent us so if you scroll down through our tweets you can see them all. We hope to soon extend our website to host a blog section for sharing projects and learnings.