i needed a zero latency (on button press) debounce approach for some buttons on bela, and wrote this. works great! (excerpt):

//buttons are connected with a pull up resistor, so they read HIGH when not pressed
#define DEBOUNCE_TIME 40 //how long the button has to be "off" to be considered off
bool cState_b0 = 0;
bool pState_b0 = 1;
int debounce_b0 = 0;

//initalize button pin as INPUT in setup
pinMode(context,0,4, INPUT); //Button 1

//in render
for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->digitalFrames; ++n){
		cState_b0 = digitalRead(context, n, 4);

	if (!cState_b0 && pState_b0) {
//button is pressed down
if (cState_b0 && !pState_b0) {
  if (debounce_b0 < DEBOUNCE_TIME) {
    cState_b0 = 0;
  } else debounce_b0 = 0;
pState_b0 = cState_b0;