Apologies for the late response annd the lack of documentation. The input/output channels are specified at this line and the following https://github.com/BelaPlatform/Bela/blob/master/examples/Salt/pink-trombone/render.cpp#L1393
In short, two knobs on Salt control the base pitch(CV4) and tenseness(CV3) of the oscillator (the x-y positons on the pink bar at the bottom in the original version). The other two knobs on Salt control the "diameter"(CV2) and "index" (CV1) of one touch, equivalent to clicking on the pink curved area in the original. On Salt+, two knobs give the same controls for diameter (CV6) and index(CV5) for another touch. This way you can have the equivalent of multiple touches on which deform the vocal tract. The other pair of knobs on Salt+ controls diameter (Cv8) and index (CV7) of one 'tongue touch', equivalent to moving the tongue in the original.
The oscillator (glottis) is sent out of output audio L. The filter (vocal tract) takes the two audio inputs summed together as its input and sends the output to audio out R. There is one button and respective trigger in to toggle the pitch wobble (as in the original)(T2), and another one to open/close the velum(T1), whose staatus is mirrored by the corresponding LEDs. LED 3 signals the occurrence of an occlusion of the vocal tract.
A basic setup would be to set the diameter of the touches on Salt+ to minimum, so that they have no effect on the sound, patch audio out L into audio in L and off you go.
There are also CV out (CV1) for the pitch, in case you want an external oscillator to track the characteristic pitch wobble.
I have a diagram that hopefully explains all of this better than I just did, but I will only be able to upoad it on Thursday